How do I generate timesheet report for each team member separately?

How do I generate timesheet report for each team member separately?

You can access all reports from the Reports page in the left navigation menu.

The Team Member Timesheet Detail Report shows timesheet for individual team members. You can generate this report for each project the team member is part of or generate a combined report for all projects.

To generate this report, navigate to the Reports page. Click the + button to expand the Team Member Timesheet Detail Report.      

Select the team member from the Team Member drop down list.

Select the project from Project drop down list.

Select From (start) and To (end) dates for the report.

Select the Notes Display checkbox if you want to include Notes in the timesheet.

You can create the report in Your Timezone or Team Member’s Timezone.

If you want to view the report on your screen, select the radio button Check to view and download.

Select the Check to send PDF report by email radio button to get the report as PDF file by email.

Click Create Timesheet button to generate the report.

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