Is it possible to delete screenshots taken from a team member’s machine?

Is it possible to delete screenshots taken from a team member’s machine?

The account owner cannot delete the screenshots of a team members. However, the members can delete their own screenshots, if you set this permission at the project level.

Follow these steps to enable team members to delete screenshots taken on their machines:
  1. Go to Projects > Active from the left hand navigation.
  2. Select the project for which you want to allow team members to delete their screenshots.
  3. Click Settings in the top navigation menu

  1. Toggle the Delete Screenshots button On to enable team members to delete their screenshots.
The team member can  go to the project detail page and click on 'See screenshots and notes from this work session' link to view all the screenshots of the work session.
He can select the screenshots to delete by clicking on the small Checkbox in the left bottom corner of each image.
He can click on the Delete Screenshot/s button to permanently delete selected screenshots.